суббота, 31 декабря 2011 г.

Projects of 2011

Knowledge area of the year:
  • Linux
  • Video
Most valuable projects:
  1. add audio stream selection to nginx's mp4 streaming plugin - c, linux
  2. asp.net mvc project for restaurant booking - asp.net mvc, jquery, entity code-first
  3. DVR (video server) - slackware linux based, mono, linux-live, gsoap, integrate usb device with libhid
  4. asp.net mvc project as web UI for face recognition service - asp.net mvc, jquery
  5. winforms application - UI for people psychology compatibility service. - winforms, bltoolkit, sqlite, custom controls, custom design applied.
  6. ffmpeg scripts: for video conversion to stream for iOS devices, to add watermark, to add overlays
  7. media-player-classic fork that can view customers video format